Hemp Bombs In The News: The Importance of CBD Education

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As a business in the Cannabis industry, we understand that CBD education and transparency regarding the legality of our products breed confidence in our consumers. That’s why we proudly and publicly provide legal statements about our products, results from a third-party lab and educational resources about our premium CBD extract. Simply stated, our CBD products are federally legal since they contain no less than 0.3% THC and are derived from Hemp, not Marijuana.

Marijuana and Hemp are often confused with one another, since they are both members of the Cannabis family. This confusion extends to CBD, which can be derived from both legal and illegal sources. At Hemp Bombs, we have never worked with Marijuana. We only source our CBD from Industrial Hemp, which contains less than 0.3% THC, and is incapable of producing a high when smoked or otherwise ingested. Since Hemp Bombs was founded, we have exercised the utmost diligence as to the legality of our practices and we have had the support of a highly experienced legal team.

Sometimes authority figures and members of the media confuse our products with illegal and even harmful substances. Unfortunately, this has led to negative press and false information about our brand. Thankfully, with help from our fast-acting and knowledgeable legal team, we have been able to educate news outlets and their sources about our CBD to have our stories corrected. Here are a few corrected news stories regarding the legality of Hemp Bombs’ CBD for proper CBD education:

CBS 58“Racine County District Attorney warns against sale of CBD Gummies, Oil at convenience stores”
This story was published by CBS 58 in Racine County, Wis. Featuring video clips of our signature CBD gummies, this article states, “Although the oil was recently legalized in certain situations, being sold at some stores isn’t one of them.” Our products are legally sold in brick-and-mortar stores across the country, so we are certain this information is untrue. Luckily, our lawyer Rod Kight was quick to clear up the confusion and CBS 58 wrote a follow-up article. Patricia Hanson, District Attorney who originally called for the warning, apologized for the confusion.

KSFY “Watertown police say products contain THC; manufacturer disagrees”

This news station in Watertown, S.D. published an article stating, “Watertown Police have issued a warning about consumable products that were sold in some stores, they say contain THC.” Hemp Bombs CBD Capsules were featured in the article. While the police claim our products tested positive for THC, they were unable to produce lab reports. Our lawyer provided our third-party lab reports to verify Hemp Bombs products contain less than 0.3% THC, and this news story was amended.

WSMV – “23 stores padlocked in Rutherford Co. for selling CBD-laced products distributors say are legal”

In February of this year, 23 stores in Murfreesboro, TN were closed by Rutherford County law enforcement because they were selling products containing CBD. Attorney General Jennings Jones stated, “If you possess this without a prescription, you’ve broken the law.”

In this case the president of the Tennessee Hemp Industries Association, Joe Kirkpatrick, helped provide education about CBD. Kirkpatrick said, “Unless law enforcement can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this CBD was derived from a marijuana source rather than an industrial hemp source, they are in clear violation of the law, and the victims of this action should be entitled to petition for any economic and/or punitive damages applicable under the law.”

Our experience with false news coverage has made us more aware of the need for CBD education. To help combat the spread of false information about Hemp Bombs products, we strive to establish educational resources about our products and maintain complete transparency. With every online purchase, we include a certificate of analysis confirming our products contain less than 0.3% THC. We encourage anyone who has questions about the legality of our products to explore our online resources or contact us.

We see first-hand how hemp products can help people relieve anxiety and enhance relaxation and calm. For instance, our CBD Gummies are extremely popular. Click here for more information: What do CBD Gummies do?

Legal compliance has and always will be a top priority. At Hemp Bombs, we will continue to sell legal products that promote positive mental and physical health to a wide range of consumers. With support from our legal team, we will continue to help educate news reporters and authority figures about the legality in our industry. We will always publish honest information about our CBD products, which are premium on the market.

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